Sunday, September 14, 2008: Electricity Projects
Dear 5 Faith,
I have sent your electricity projects to your respective emails. If you did not receive your projects, please let me know. I'll send them to you. You have two weeks to work on the projects. The deadline for your projects is 29 September. You can send your projects to me by email - or in my projects folder in school.
If you need the websites, here they are:
See you in school on Monday. Hope all of your aching arms have recovered...
Monday, September 8, 2008: Welcome back!
Dear 5 Faith,
Welcome back to school.. Hope all of you had a good break during the Sept holidays... Don't forget to tag on the chatbox to tell us what you did during the holidays. Term 4 will be a short but important term, so hang in there!
Some tips to help you get through the term successfully...
- Complete and hand in all your assignments on time
- Find a study buddy or study group if you prefer to study with your friends
- Revise your work from Term 1 to Term 3
- Lastly and most importantly, get enough rest and play!
Don't feel shy asking your teachers questions if you have trouble understanding any concepts. Here's to another fun-filled term together! (:
Have a good term in school...
Ms Tan
: Welcome back to school...